" You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation."

- Brigham Young

Frequently Asked Question


Why are you only offering funds for girls?

We believe by improving the lives of young ladies we are creating a better future not only for her but also for her children.

In the near future we aim to include boys.



How does the organization select the student?

We select the schools based on the number of votes by EFMI team members. We contact the schools’ guidance counselors to identify the student most in need however, we prefer students who are already enrolled in the PATH program.


Can a student outside of the PATH program qualify?



Is there a limit as to how many awards are given out?

No, but because we would like to offer grants for the entire year, the number of recipients will depend on the amount of available funds.


Can a student from a school outside of Kingston qualify?



Can primary school girls qualify for funding?

Yes they are able to receive funding provided they have gained acceptance into a high school.


Can a student from a Preparatory school qualify?



Can I pay for CXC exams with the funds?

No. The funds are available for expenses related to the student’s education throughout the academic year.


What can the funds pay for?

School fees, books, classroom supplies, meals, transportation


Who will be responsible for the purchases?

The recipient’s school.


Are the awards guaranteed?

The awards are guaranteed once the students are selected.


" You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation."

- Brigham Young

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